• Memphis Lion of Judah – The Lion Behind the Pin

    The Lion of Judah is one of the most successful fundraising tools in the world, raising millions of dollars every year and connecting more than 17,500 women around the world. The Lion of Judah is a symbol of today’s Jewish Woman’s strength, a symbol of her caring about the organized Jewish world. For generations, Memphis Jewish…

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  • Archive: Shabbat Shalom from Laura Linder and Guests

    Jewish Community Partners President and CEO Laura Linder, or a special guest writer, sits down most Friday mornings to write a personal and timely letter to our beloved Memphis Jewish community. June 11- Longing for an Ordinary Day (by Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein) May 14- We Stand with Israel, Now and Forever March 25- (Above) Knowing the…

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  • JCRS Camp & College Scholarship Deadlines: February 15 & May 31

     Southern Jewish  families seeking financial assistance to send their children to Jewish overnight camp, and  families in search of funds to pay the costs of undergraduate college education , have a special friend in the Jewish Children’s Regional Service (JCRS), the oldest and only regional  Jewish children’s social service agency in the United States. Primary…

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  • Faces of Memphis and Shoham: Alayne Shoenfeld

    Interview by Gila Golder Photos by Rivka Braverman Part of Memphis Jewish Federation’s ongoing efforts to connect Memphis and Israel in meaningful ways, the 70 Faces of Memphis and Shoham project was designed to form real connections between the people of Jewish Memphis and the people of Shoham, Israel, Memphis’s partner city through the Jewish…

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  • Jewish Community By My Side at Rhodes College

    By Emma Figarsky There are currently five Jewish Community Fellows at Rhodes College. As part of their fellowship, they periodically share their experiences as Jewish college students with the larger community. More information about the Fellowship can be found on the JCP website. When I was growing up, change was not a stranger to me…

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  • Dear Diary: The Germans Invaded Lodz Today

    By Rakhel Finkelstein 9th grade, Goldie Margolin School for Girls This essay won second place in last year’s Holocaust Art and Essay Contest, open to all 6-12 students in Tennessee and the Mid-South. This year’s contest is just gearing up. The image is one of two second place winners, created by Anisa Shank, 8th grader at Colonial Middle School. Students in grades 6-8 are invited to submit artwork, and students in grades 9-12…

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  • By Melinda Lejman The opening night of the “70 Faces of Memphis and Shoham” exhibit was full of energy and excitement, not just for the subjects or the volunteer photojournalists who made it possible, but for the entire Memphis Jewish community. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the hard work of so many dedicated…

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  • An Israeli in Memphis: I Feel an Embrace

    Tali Versano Eisman, resident of Memphis’s Israeli partner city Shoham and a member of the Memphis-Shoham project’s steering committee, visited Memphis in October to deepen ties between the two communities, and to speak at this year’s Israel Festival. In this piece, she reflects on her visit, the love for Israel she found in Memphis, and…

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  • Bringing Hanukkah to Christian Brothers University

    By Dr. Stan Eisen, Professor and Director  of Preprofessonal Health Programs, Biology Department, Christian Brothers University Photos by Mary Nikkel   Christian Brothers University prides itself as welcoming students and staff of all traditions and faiths. Even so, there has never been a Hanukkah Menorah lighting ceremony until now. On Sunday, December 2, members of…

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  • Omri Casspi Celebrates Hanukkah with the Memphis Jewish Community

    When all 6 feet and nine inches of Israeli basketballer Omri Casspi ducked under the door and into the MJCC’s Belz Theater, the crowd gathered for this one-of-a-kind Hanukkah celebration knew they were experiencing something special. Rabbis from every Memphis congregation and agencies like the MJCC and Hillels of Memphis had just made NBA-style entrances,…

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  • 70 Faces Project Highlights Community’s Compelling Personal Narratives

    Memphis Jewish Federation’s yearlong celebration of Israel’s 70th birthday will culminate with an exhibit highlighting individuals from the Memphis Jewish community as well as from Shoham, Memphis’s partner city in Israel, announced Laura Linder, President and CEO of Jewish Community Partners. The 70 Faces exhibit will launch on Monday, December 10 in the lobby of…

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  • Lauren Luskey Taube: Driven by Community and Family Values

    What values do you live by? How do you express your values in your work and personal life? What makes a value Jewish? How do these values shape who you are and who you want to become? At the first seminar of the Next Gen Jewish Federation Fellowship last May, I began to develop leadership…

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