This Year, Hillel’s Yiddishe Cup Asks a Question: What’s Your Hillel Story?

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It’s time to polish up on your putt-putt skills for Hillels of Memphis Annual Yiddishe Cup Mini Golf Tournament. Enjoyed by people of all ages, this year’s challenge will be held on Sunday, April 26, at 2 p.m. at Golf & Games located at 5484 Summer Avenue.

Rain or shine, activities within the facility will be available if rain prohibits putt-putt.

The theme, “My Hillel Story,” will celebrate the important role Hillel has played in developing Jewish leaders, role models, and philanthropists in the Memphis Jewish community. Memphians are encouraged to submit their Hillel story to be highlighted in promotional materials leading up to the event and at the tournament.

Hillels of Memphis is operated by Jewish Community Partners, whose President CEO Laura Linder, was the fist to submit her Hillel Story. She writes:

“If it weren’t for my involvement in Hillel as a student at Indiana University, I would not be sitting in the seat I’m in today!  During my sophomore year I was asked by a friend to serve as a co-chair of the UJA Student campaign at IU which was a committee of Hillel.  ‘All you have to do is make a few phone calls and speak at a few events,’ is how she first presented it to me.  But it was the opportunity to participate in a national leadership conference and go on a free trip to Israel that initially inspired me to accept the challenge! Hillel at IU was well organized and attracted a diverse group of students. I ended up spending a lot of time there during college. When my grandmother died suddenly during my junior year, my ‘Hillel family’ was very supportive and comforting. I remember being at services on a Friday night, I wanted to say Kaddish for her and I was really struggling.  Someone put their arm around me and we stood together. From that moment on I realized that Hillel is more than a place, it’s a Jewish community, it was MY Jewish community, and there for me at a time when I really needed it.”

You can share your story in an email to Hillels of Memphis Director Sophie Bloch.

Yiddishe Cup co-chairs Daniel Snyder and Carolyn Schrier, in cooperation with the University of Memphis Advisory Council, chaired by Hal Fogelman, and the Rhodes College Advisory Council, chaired by Wendy Rotter, are excited about instilling a meaningful theme for the event.

“Students from both schools will also play an integral role in planning and organizing the event,” said Hillels of Memphis Director Sophie Bloch.

“College is a time where young adults start to figure out who they are, and who they want to be,” said Carolyn. “Hillel provides positive opportunities for these students to make Judaism part of that journey. Supporting Hillel through an event such as the Yiddishe Cup lets students of both campuses know that they don’t exist in a vacuum. Our broader community is proud to have students in their midst, wants to be looked upon for resources, and hopes that upon graduation, students will elect to stay in Memphis, and grow their overall involvement in the city.”

There are multiple ways to participate in the Yiddishe Cup Mini Golf Tournament. So gather your family and friends to: form a team of four at $36; become a sponsor at multiple levels, beginning at $118; and share your Hillel story. Teams will have the opportunity to win special prizes for a hole-in-one and other categories.

The Yiddishe Cup serves as the primary community fundraiser for Hillels of Memphis. Both Hillels serve as a home away from home for Jewish students. All proceeds from the event benefit students on both campuses through educational programming, social events, Shabbat meals and communal programming and events throughout the year. Eighty-five percent of Hillel’s operating budget is funded through a generous endowment. The remaining 15% comes primarily from funds raised through the Yiddishe Cup fundraiser.

The event is open to people of all ages and makes for a great family outing.

Registration, sponsorships, detailed information about the event, and how to tell your “Hillel Story,” may be found at

You may also contact Hillel Executive Director Sophie Bloch at 901.452.2453 or email [email protected].

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