Tag: Jewish Foundation of Memphis
Faces of Memphis and Shoham: Charlotte Fineberg Bruechner
Interview and photo by Lynnie Mirvis Part of Memphis Jewish Federation’s ongoing efforts to connect Memphis and Israel, the 70 Faces of Memphis and Shoham project was designed to form real connections between the people of Jewish Memphis and the people of Shoham, Israel, Memphis’s partner city through the Jewish…
My Jewish Connections on the Rhodes College Campus
By Marisa Moore There are currently five Jewish Community Fellows at Rhodes College. As part of their fellowship, they periodically share their experiences as Jewish college students with the larger community. Being Jewish has always been a huge part of my life. When I was younger, I attended Hebrew school…
Tech Upgrades Streamline Operations, Increase Productivity
By Gila Golder Fulfilling Jewish Community Partners’ mission to keep our Jewish community cared for, connected, and engaged just got a whole lot easier. Thanks to a generous grant from a donor who holds a fund with the Jewish Foundation of Memphis, Jewish Community Partners has acquired several new technology…
Preserving History: The Kaetha Mela Family Memorial Fund of the Jewish Foundation of Memphis
“That goes back a long time,” Curt Ward said, examining the faded pledge card from 1956, showing a $3 pledge made the Jewish Welfare Fund, the predecessor organization to Memphis Jewish Federation. Mr. Ward was at the Jewish Community Partners office to finalize a fund agreement that would establish an…
JCRS Camp & College Scholarship Deadlines: February 15 & May 31
Southern Jewish families seeking financial assistance to send their children to Jewish overnight camp, and families in search of funds to pay the costs of undergraduate college education , have a special friend in the Jewish Children’s Regional Service (JCRS), the oldest and only regional Jewish children’s social service agency…
Dear Diary: The Germans Invaded Lodz Today
By Rakhel Finkelstein 9th grade, Goldie Margolin School for Girls This essay won second place in last year’s Holocaust Art and Essay Contest, open to all 6-12 students in Tennessee and the Mid-South. This year’s contest is just gearing up. The image is one of two second place winners, created by Anisa Shank, 8th grader at Colonial Middle School. Students in grades 6-8 are invited to submit artwork,…
An Israeli in Memphis: I Feel an Embrace
Tali Versano Eisman, resident of Memphis’s Israeli partner city Shoham and a member of the Memphis-Shoham project’s steering committee, visited Memphis in October to deepen ties between the two communities, and to speak at this year’s Israel Festival. In this piece, she reflects on her visit, the love for Israel…
Bringing Hanukkah to Christian Brothers University
By Dr. Stan Eisen, Professor and Director of Preprofessonal Health Programs, Biology Department, Christian Brothers University Photos by Mary Nikkel Christian Brothers University prides itself as welcoming students and staff of all traditions and faiths. Even so, there has never been a Hanukkah Menorah lighting ceremony until now. On…
Omri Casspi Celebrates Hanukkah with the Memphis Jewish Community
When all 6 feet and nine inches of Israeli basketballer Omri Casspi ducked under the door and into the MJCC’s Belz Theater, the crowd gathered for this one-of-a-kind Hanukkah celebration knew they were experiencing something special. Rabbis from every Memphis congregation and agencies like the MJCC and Hillels of Memphis…