• Memphis Lion of Judah – The Lion Behind the Pin

    The Lion of Judah is one of the most successful fundraising tools in the world, raising millions of dollars every year and connecting more than 17,500 women around the world. The Lion of Judah is a symbol of today’s Jewish Woman’s strength, a symbol of her caring about the organized Jewish world. For generations, Memphis Jewish…

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  • Archive: Shabbat Shalom from Laura Linder and Guests

    Jewish Community Partners President and CEO Laura Linder, or a special guest writer, sits down most Friday mornings to write a personal and timely letter to our beloved Memphis Jewish community. June 11- Longing for an Ordinary Day (by Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein) May 14- We Stand with Israel, Now and Forever March 25- (Above) Knowing the…

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  • Furthering Israel & Global Jewish Engagement, Memphis Hosts JAFI and JDC

    Dr. Ilana Kwartin, a JAFI representative, is pictured lecturing at a joint board meeting of Jewish Community Partners, Jewish Foundation of Memphis and Memphis Jewish Federation. As part of Memphis Jewish Federation’s strong commitment to Israel and global Jewry, Federation recently hosted its liaisons from overseas partners Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and American Jewish…

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  • Adam Lazarov: A Lifestyle of Leadership and Philanthropy

    Pictured are Memphis Jewish Federation Annual Community Campaign donors Jami and Adam Lazarov, along with their two children, Sonia and Audrey. Photo by Jen Howell. “Jewish Memphis is a safe haven and a strong community that my children will always be able to turn to,” said Adam Lazarov. “Supporting it and making sure our institutions…

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  • Abby Cassius: My Teen Israel Experience

    Abby Cassius, pictured right, daughter of Melinda and Lyn Cassius, is a senior at White Station High School. Memphis Jewish Federation’s Lemsky Endowment Fund provided her with a Teen Israel Experience grant to offset the costs of her NCSY/ JSU/The Jewish Journey program in Israel. All rising high school juniors and seniors in the Memphis…

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  • Hillels of Memphis Engages Temple Israel’s Teens with their Jewish Identity

    “Considering how Jewish life in college begins long before a student steps foot on their college campus, I believe that it’s important for high school students to understand the Jewish landscape that awaits them after they graduate high school,” said Sophie Bloch, the Director of Hillels of Memphis. “College is the first time many Jewish…

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  • Chloe Bullard: My Teen Israel Experience

    Chloe Bullard, daughter of Samantha and Brian Bullard, is in eleventh grade at DeSoto Central High School. Memphis Jewish Federation’s Lemsky Endowment Fund provided her with a Teen Israel Experience grant to offset the costs of her NFTY L’Dor V’Dor program in Israel. All rising high school juniors and seniors in the Memphis Jewish community…

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  • Rhodes Jewish Community Fellowship Applications Now Open

    Jewish Community Fellow Sophie Enda is pictured on Rhodes College’s campus during her freshman year. Memphis Jewish Federation is excited to announce that applications are now open for the Rhodes Jewish Community Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year. Once again, Rhodes College is making available five renewable $10,000 fellowships to first year Rhodes students who…

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  • Shayna Giles: A Mentor in the Making

    “What’s really cool about Federation is that it has its hands in every part of the Jewish community,” said Shayna Giles, one of the younger donors to Memphis Jewish Federation’s Annual Community Campaign. “It’s not just Conservative, Reform, or Orthodox, and they don’t just help with one specific need in the community. The Federation exists…

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  • Memphis Jewish Federation Welcomes Newcomers to Community

    “I found the Newcomer event to be an excellent way to reconnect to my roots in Memphis. It reassured me that I made the right decision in moving back to my hometown,” said Ari Zelig, who recently returned to Memphis with his wife, Danielle. “The Memphis Jewish community is incredibly warm and supportive. I am most…

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  • A Shabbat Message from Debbie B. Lazarov: Who am I?

    By Debbie B. Lazarov About three years ago, I was inspired by a younger woman who had recently returned from a Memphis Jewish Federation MOMentum Moms’ trip to Israel. She said it changed her life. Since I had retired ten years prior, I had been searching for something that would light that kind of passion…

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  • Jewish Foundation Provides Valuable Information About Charitable Giving Strategies to Local Non-Profits

    “It’s not about death but about legacy… talk to someone today about making an impact and let me show you how.” That was how Pamela Davidson, an expert in planned giving, began a two-part webinar for the Jewish Foundation of Memphis’ audience on Thursday, September 30. Planned giving, also referred to as gift planning or…

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