JCP Staff Spotlight: Gila Golder

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Many readers know the Jewish Community Partners staff through our work. Each Friday, you’ll hear from a different member of the team in our own words, sharing more of the story of who we are. 


Gila Golder

Community Impact Associate


Birthplace: West Long Branch, New Jersey, but I grew up in Baltimore.


College/Graduate school: BA in Creative Writing, Brandeis University.


Do you belong to a local congregation? We attend weekly services at Young Israel of Memphis (my husband goes to the 7 AM service and I go to the 8:45 AM service), but we also affiliate with Baron Hirsch and ASBEE.


How long have you been a member of the Memphis community? 18 months.


Spouse and children: I am married to Rob Golder, who is a criminal defense attorney. We met in Boston (his hometown) when I was at Brandeis.


In what initiative or project of your work are/were you most emotionally invested? One of the programs I manage is Choose Jewish Memphis, our program to welcome newcomers into the community. This program is special to me, because when I started my job here, I too was a newcomer to Memphis!


Favorite foods to cook: Cooking is a special hobby for me. I love experimenting with new recipes. We keep a kosher kitchen and I’m also a vegetarian, which in theory is limiting (people ask me “What do you eat?”) but I find there’s always something new to try. And I make a really good pareve matzo ball soup!


Favorite TV show or movie:

I love ghost shows, Ghost Whisperer and Medium especially. Rob and I also enjoy watching Law and Order: SVU. In fact, we watched an episode together the night before our wedding, when we were both pretty high-strung and felt we needed to relax. In retrospect, we probably should have picked a different show for that purpose!


First concert: Blake Shelton at the FedEx Forum in March of last year!


What is your fondest memory
? Come find me offline and ask me how Rob and I met!


Do you have any surprising or unknown talents? Not sure if this counts as a talent, per se, but I’m a huge stickler for accurate spelling and grammar. Typos just jump out at me. I save up old newspapers and read them on Shabbat afternoons. Rob has learned to just nod along when I discover a typo and yell it across the room at him.


What’s the earliest global news event you remember being aware of as it happened? I was in sixth grade on 09/11. I remember being really confused and disoriented. I had never even heard of the World Trade Center and didn’t have a clear understanding of what “terrorism” was. I had no concept of the magnitude of what had happened, I just knew that it must be pretty serious since we were all sent home early.


Do you have a favorite cocktail, wine, or beer (preferably a local brew)?  I like dry and semi-dry white wines. My favorites are Baron Herzog Emerald Riesling, from the Late Harvest label, and Chateneuf Bordeaux.


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3 responses to “JCP Staff Spotlight: Gila Golder”

  1. Hannah Heller

    Beautiful! Ok I am biased since I am Gila’s mother. This article makes me so happy and proud! 😂

  2. Debbie Robinson

    I am crying “tears of joy”. I am so proud of you, Gila! As my late beloved father, Rabbi Alfred Fruchter, would would say, “I have so much nachas from you!”

    And, by the way, I try to proofread and catch my typos or auto-corrects on my cell phone.

    And I love your sweet smile!

    Love, Aunt Debbie Robinson

  3. […] Learn more about Gila in her JCP Staff Spotlight! […]