• Memphis Lion of Judah – The Lion Behind the Pin

    The Lion of Judah is one of the most successful fundraising tools in the world, raising millions of dollars every year and connecting more than 17,500 women around the world. The Lion of Judah is a symbol of today’s Jewish Woman’s strength, a symbol of her caring about the organized Jewish world. For generations, Memphis Jewish…

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  • Archive: Shabbat Shalom from Laura Linder and Guests

    Jewish Community Partners President and CEO Laura Linder, or a special guest writer, sits down most Friday mornings to write a personal and timely letter to our beloved Memphis Jewish community. June 11- Longing for an Ordinary Day (by Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein) May 14- We Stand with Israel, Now and Forever March 25- (Above) Knowing the…

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  • Community Member Zev Samuels to Receive State-Wide Recognition for Social Work

    Dear friends, Today in Nashville on Capitol Hill, MIFA’s Zev Samuels will receive the Tennessee Social Worker of the Year Award bestowed by the Tennessee Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Zev, a professional social worker for over 27 years, is manager of MIFA’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman program and District Long-Term Care Ombudsman…

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  • Local Educator Helps Connect Memphis Students to Their Shoham Counterparts

    By Anat Kampf Over the past winter break, Anat Kampf, Margolin Hebrew Academy’s Middle School assistant principal, traveled to Shoham, Israel, to continue building the partnership with Memphis’ sister city. The trip was funded by Memphis Jewish Federation’s Memphis-Shoham Partnership2Gether Initiative. These are reflections on her journey. This past December, I had the wonderful opportunity…

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  • 11th Annual Hillel Yiddishe Cup Fundraiser to be Held April 7

    The Morris S. Fogelman Jewish Student Center at the University of Memphis in conjunction with Rhodes College Hillel is pleased to announce The 2019 Yiddishe Cup which will be held on Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 2:00 PM at Golf & Games located at 5484 Summer Avenue. This year’s event will be chaired by Lawson…

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  • To the Memphis Muslim Community

    This letter was sent today to our brothers and sisters at the Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, Masjid Al-Noor/Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, Masjid Al-Salam/Muslim Society of Memphis, Masjid Ar-Rahman/Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, and Muslims in Memphis. March 15, 2019 The Memphis Jewish Community extends our deepest condolences to our Muslim brothers and sisters…

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  • Taste of Israel 2019 Brings Israeli Flavor to Memphis April 4

    Erling Jensen (Erling Jensen the Restaurant), Karen Carrier (Bar DKDC, Beauty Shop, Another Roadside Attraction) and Shelly Ostrow (Holy Cow) return with the flavors of Israel for Memphis Jewish Federation’s Taste of Israel 2019, presented by SunTrust Bank. This year, they are joined by two exciting newcomers to the gala event; Russell Casey of Bounty…

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  • How Do Israeli Elections Work?

    Our colleagues at Jewish Federations of North America created this useful set of information for anyone with questions about the process behind the upcoming elections in Israel. Photo by Rafael Nir on Unsplash In Israel, elections for the Knesset are held at least every four years. However, disagreements between coalition partners often trigger early elections. Parliamentary Democracy…

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  • Recognizing And Calling Out Anti-Semitism

    Yesterday, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism and bigotry. In the wake of recent events that led to the passage of this resolution we have heard from members of our community who are distressed over the lack of public understanding/recognition of anti-Semitism. As part of our mission to keep the Memphis…

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  • Faces of Memphis and Shoham: Charlotte Fineberg Bruechner

    Interview and photo by Lynnie Mirvis Part of Memphis Jewish Federation’s ongoing efforts to connect Memphis and Israel, the 70 Faces of Memphis and Shoham project was designed to form real connections between the people of Jewish Memphis and the people of Shoham, Israel, Memphis’s partner city through the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Partnership 2Gether…

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  • Memphis Jewish Federation’s Senior Services Collaborative  Finds Innovative Ways to Make an Impact

    By Gila Golder Under the leadership of its new chair, Mary Elizabeth Jones, the community-wide Senior Services Collaborative (SSC) convened by Memphis Jewish Federation is making a deep impact, engaging seniors through multiple channels to fulfill its mission of ensuring that seniors in the Memphis Jewish community are cared for, connected, and engaged, announced Laura…

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  • My Jewish Connections on the Rhodes College Campus

    By Marisa Moore There are currently five Jewish Community Fellows at Rhodes College. As part of their fellowship, they periodically share their experiences as Jewish college students with the larger community.  Being Jewish has always been a huge part of my life. When I was younger, I attended Hebrew school since I was 3 years…

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