Our Annual Meeting Celebrates Community Impact, Keeping our Jewish Community Cared For, Connected, and Engaged

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By Susan Nieman

Above: The 2018 Annual Meeting featured a panel discussion by representatives from innovative programming supported by the Federation’s Annual Campaign. The 2019 Annual Meeting will focus on the impact made by the efforts of Jewish Community Partners, Memphis Jewish Federation, and Jewish Foundation of Memphis during the last 12 months.

Jewish Community Partners (JCP) will hold its annual meeting, “Celebrating Our Impact,” on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 7 p.m. in the Belz Social Hall at the Memphis Jewish Community Center. 

Keeping our Jewish Community Cared for, Connected and Engaged is the mission that drives the work of lay leaders and staff every day at Jewish Community Partners.

The impact made by JCP, the umbrella organization that manages Memphis Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Memphis, is felt throughout the Memphis Jewish and general communities, the United States and around the world where vulnerable communities would not exist without our help.

From grants to fund services, programs, homebound meals, Jewish education and camp scholarships; to collaborations with local and national law enforcement to keep our communities safe; to connections with Israel through an array of partnerships; JCP brings a collaborative component to the community unmet by any other agency of its kind.

“It was a productive year for JCP,” said Michael Greenberg, whose tenure as Chair of JCP’s Executive Committee comes to an end at this year’s Annual Meeting. “The staff, lay leaders, and volunteers put in a tremendous amount of hard work that isn’t always easy for the public to see. Luckily, the impact we make together is easy to see, particularly with our big successes in the last 12 months in making our community safe through security initiatives, preparing the next generation through our work with the two Jewish day schools, and protecting the most vulnerable through our with Jewish Family Service partnership with the MJCC.”

The program will include short presentations by people who have been impacted by JCP this past year. Jamie Marquis, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Hillel will talk about JCP’s outreach during a recent hate crime on campus. Teacher Jennifer Shiberou and student Kathy Lam, of Colonial Middle School, will discuss the impact the annual Holocaust Art Contest has had in their school, and Michelle Rappaport-Moore, a 2018 Jewish Women’s Renaissance Participant will talk about how her experience reconnected her to Judaism and community.   

In addition to the presentations, Past JCP Chair Gary Kaplan will pay tribute to outgoing leaders, JCP Chair Michael Greenberg and Jewish Foundation of Memphis Chair Charles Jalenak.

The board will elect new officers whose commitment and dedication to Jewish Community Partners, Memphis Jewish Federation and the Jewish Foundation of Memphis is unwavering.

Ken Steinberg has been nominated to serve as Chair of Jewish Community Partners. Mr. Steinberg has served two years as Memphis Jewish Federation Chair, which was preceded by one year as Chair of Jewish Foundation of Memphis. Mr. Steinberg is a champion of philanthropy, of Israel and of the entire community. He has held numerous local and national roles and is a long-time donor and leader of Federation’s annual campaign. His leadership has been instrumental in today’s vision for Jewish Community Partners.

Cindy Finestone has been nominated to serve as Memphis Jewish Federation Chair. This comes on the heels of her leadership of Federation’s annual campaign. Cindy’s engagement has been vital in creating the roadmap for JCP’s priorities, having co-chaired JCP’s 2014 community study, which helped chart a new direction for fundraising and grant making.

And long-time Jewish community leader and philanthropist, Anthony Morrison, has been nominated as the next Chair of the Jewish Foundation of Memphis. As a professional advisor and active community volunteer, Anthony has a deep understanding of fundraising and resource development as well as a commitment to assuring the sustainability of our Jewish community. He has served numerous roles over the years including Federation campaign chair, allocations chair and has been a long-standing member of the Investment and Executive committees.

The following officers have also been nominated and will be presented for election: Irvin Skopp, Treasurer; Aviva Frieden, Chair Young Adult. Chair appointees to the Executive Committee are: Jason Salomon and Pace Cooper. Charles Jalenak will remain on the Executive Committee as Immediate Past Chair of the Jewish Foundation of Memphis. Michael Greenberg will also remain as Past Chair of Jewish Community Partners.

Continuing as officers and executive committee members for a second year are: Scott Vogel, Vice Chair Financial Resource Development; Steve Libby and Jimmy Ringel, Vice Chairs Community Impact; Scott Notowich, Vice Chair Israel and Overseas and Michael Kaplan, Counsel.

Individuals nominated as new or returning JCP Board members are: Lisa Barden, Dorit Boxer, Pace Cooper, Hal Fogelman, Michael Greenberg, Lee Harkavy, Gary Kaplan, Michelle Katz, Sarah Lewis, Jan Groveman, Anthony Morrison, Jimmy Ringel, Jill Shanker, Scott Vogel.

Individuals nominated as new or returning Jewish Foundation of Memphis Board Members (as of May 30, 2019) are: David Greenberg, Rudi Scheidt, Sr., Irvin Skopp.

Individuals nominated as new or returning Memphis Jewish Federation Board Members are: Michael Greenberg, Lee Harkavy, Eileen Posner

Light desserts will be served, with dietary laws observed. Please RSVP to 901-767-7100 or email [email protected].

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