Ready to make a difference in the lives of Jewish teens? Become a BBYO advisor, and help the next generation of Jewish leaders reach their full potential.
As an advisor, you’ll work in partnership with professional staff to mentor and inspire AZA and BBG chapters. You’ll be a positive Jewish role model, exploring challenges and seeking solutions with the teens, while encouraging BBYO members to dig deep and push themselves toward their goals. With you as a role model, BBYO teens have the opportunity to grow into dynamic, engaged young Jewish leaders.
JCPConnect asked Memphis BBYO Director Jacob Klaven to share his thoughts on why teen mentorship is important for the Memphis community, and what it takes to be a great BBYO volunteer advisor.
As a donor, you support BBYO and other partner agencies around the Memphis community.
To learn more about becoming a volunteer advisor, contact Jacob at 901-259-9300 or send an email to [email protected]. Other volunteer opportunities are available as well.
How do volunteer advisors enhance the BBYO experience?
Advisors bring their own life experiences to BBYO and help mentor the teens to become not only leaders in the chapter but also in their outside lives.
Why is it important for teens to have adult peers/role models outside of their families?
Our Advisors are more than just adults in the room. The teens look up to them for guidance both in BBYO and life. They are a role model to the teens.
What role does BBYO play in strengthening the cohesion of a city’s Jewish community?
BBYO is a vibrant and vital part of the community, and we are consistently working to help with community events. Our teens are the leaders among their age group here in Memphis, and will continue in that role in the future of the Memphis Jewish community.
What type of person makes a good volunteer advisor candidate?
Our advisors come from many different molds. There is no set standard for what makes a good advisor candidate. What all of our advisors do have in common is the passion to positively impact the Jewish teen community. Our advisors range from college age to young adults to retirees. The only requirement we have is to be an advisor you must be 21 years old. Younger candidates should reach out to me directly to inquire about other opportunities.
How much time should a volunteer advisor expect to spend with their duties?
Our chapters consist of 2-4 advisors each. Most chapters have at least one event a week although these events are shared among the team of advisors. An advisor will get out what he or she puts in.
Should a volunteer advisor have had BBYO experience in their teens?
Absolutely not. Although it can be an added benefit, some of our best advisors have no youth group experience at all. The only thing required to be a BBYO advisor is the willingness and the drive to work with teens to help them become stronger leaders both right now and in the future.

2 responses to “Memphis BBYO Seeks Volunteer Advisors”
My name is Matthew Dunn and I am a Jewish individual from Tampa Florida. I recently completed inpatient treatment at the Oxford House, and I am now living at a sober house in Southaven and I am looking to connect with the Jewish community. Is there any information that you can provide me?
Thank you
Matthew, would you send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll connect you to the right people?