Meet the Israeli Scouts- Special Shoham Edition!

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This year’s Southeast U.S. Israeli Scout Friendship Caravan, Caravan Ziv, pulls into Memphis Sunday, June 25, and begins its tour of Mid-South performances with a show Monday at 6:30 P.M. at the Cordova Library. The visit culminates with an epic show for the Memphis Jewish community Wednesday, June 28, 7:00 P.M. at the MJCC. The Scout Caravan’s annual visit to Memphis is funded by a grant from Memphis Jewish Federation’s Lemsky Endowment Fund. 

Today, we’ll get to know two young Israelis from Memphis’ partner city in Israel, Shoham. If you get a chance to interact with these young people after one of their performances, be sure to mention the people-to-people partnership between Memphis and Shoham, and make them feel welcome. 

About the Memphis-Shoham Partnership

The relationship between the two communities is the newest of 47 partnerships linking 550 Jewish communities around the world to communities in Israel through Partnership2Gether Peoplehood Platform (P2G), a program of JAFI (Jewish Agency for Israel). P2G was launched over 18 years ago and includes city-to-city partnerships as well as region-to-region partnerships.

The partnerships facilitate meaningful, ongoing connections between Israelis and Jews around the world through unique programs and one-on-one encounters, including school “twinning”; teen and young adult leadership projects; programming for young adults and young families; and interpersonal exchanges in professional, educational, and cultural areas. The goal of the Memphis-Shoham partnership is to establish deep and meaningful people-to-people relationships between the two communities.


YUVAL (pictured above)

Hello, my name is Yuval Jankelowitz and I’m 17 years old. I live in Shoham, which is a city near the airport so it is very convenient for my family and me when we travel.

Four years ago I came back from 5 years abroad in Singapore, where I studied in an international school with people from over 76 countries. It was an amazing experience and I got to be a part of so many new cultures and meet many different people. My mother’s name is Tal and my father’s name is Shai, and I have a little brother, he is 13 years old and his name is Rom. We like to travel together and explore different countries and we especially like to eat together.

When I came back from Singapore I became a part of this beautiful community called the Scouts. Last year, I was a counselor of nine crazy amazing young girls in the 5th grade. We went on trips together, decorated our troop, and in the end of the year we went to summer camp.This year, I counsel with my team a group of 60 campers in the 7th grade. This year’s process is called Unite, where we are responsible for uniting the 7th graders into a family. It’s an amazing opportunity and I love watching them grow and slowly evolve into responsible teens.

I go to Shoham High school, where I major in history and theater. I love theater, it is my passion and one of my many joys in life. It’s the only place where you get to express yourself but also become anyone you wish to be. I love to travel and explore new places. When my family and I travel, we like to visit different communities and experience their way of life. I also love hanging out with my friends, they are a big part of my life. I enjoy listening to music, my favorite band is Twenty One Pilots–I love the messages they bring in their songs and the spark they light in people. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the theater and to get exposed to different kinds of drama.
I am so excited to come to America this summer and I especially can’t wait to meet you!



Hi everyone! My name is Yonatan Kantarowicz and I am 17 years old. I live in Shoham, a small town between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I am in my junior year in Atid Science High School where I major in Physics and Chemistry. I have a small and lovely family. My father’s name is Etay and he is the CEO of Adgar Israel real estate company. My mother, Hila, used to be the VP of marketing at a leading company in Israel. Now she lectures in a college. My younger sister, Mika, is 11 years old. Mika and I are very close; she is full of joy and energy – plays on the piano, dances both ballet and modern dance, and is a member of the Scouts.

I have been participating the Scouts activities since I was in the 4th grade. My troop (Shevet) is called Amit. This is my second year as a junior counselor. My position includes being a role model who values social issues and creates a sense of belonging in my teens towards our community and Israel. Last year I counseled a 5th grade girls group and now I am counseling a 7th grade group. I also participated in a program of the Scouts called Chetz V’Keshet – a group of Jewish American and Israeli teenagers who traveled and lived together for a month in Israel. It was an amazing experience which not only showed me that I love working and meeting new people but also that my English is close to being native. (At least that is what I was told.)

I like traveling in Israel and all over the world, it is a thrill to me to discover and experience new places, people, adventures, and nature. I also love music! I have been playing the drums for the last 5 years. My favorite band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers. In my spare time, I like to ride mountain bikes, run long distances, play sport games, and hang out with friends.
Although I know I will miss my family and friends, I cannot wait for this summer to come.

Hope to see you soon!




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