Memphis Lion of Judah – The Lion Behind the Pin

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The Lion of Judah is one of the most successful fundraising tools in the world, raising millions of dollars every year and connecting more than 17,500 women around the world. The Lion of Judah is a symbol of today’s Jewish Woman’s strength, a symbol of her caring about the organized Jewish world.

For generations, Memphis Jewish women have worked together to preserve and enrich our community’s culture and heritage. More than 100 Lions of Judah proudly wear their Lion of Judah pin, a symbol of sisterhood, shared values, connectedness, and empowerment. When you become a Lion, you have a unique opportunity to secure our Jewish future, to forge new opportunities for creative philanthropy, and to influence the global agenda with the Jewish values of compassion and loving kindness.

These are their stories.

To learn more about becoming a Lion of Judah and joining this close-knit group of women, contact Laura Linder at (901) 374-0400 or [email protected].

The Latest LOJ News

The Woman Behind the Pin

Phoenix, AZ
January 2-11, 2022

More Information Coming Soon

Join us in Phoenix as Memphis Lion of Judah showcases our passion and creativity when we unveil our newest initiative to our international sisterhood!

Click here to add to you calendar.

The Lions Behind the Pin

Betsy Saslawsky

Jeri Moskovitz

Dot Bilsky

Myrna Halpern

Newsletter Archive


June LOJ News

March LOJ News

February LOJ News


December LOJ News (Above)

November Event Reminder with Recipes

November LOJ News

September LOJ News

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