Eli Lewis: My Teen Israel Experience

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Eli Lewis, son of Sarah and Jeff Lewis, is a junior at Memphis University School (Eli is pictured back right). Memphis Jewish Federation’s Lemksy Endowment Fund provided him with a Teen Israel Experience grant to help offset the cost of his NFTY Jacobs Camp program in Israel. All rising high school juniors and seniors in the Memphis Jewish community are eligible for grants up to $3,000 to attend a recognized teen summer or semester program in Israel. Teen Israel Experience applications for Summer 2022 are now available online. To learn more and apply, please go to: www.jcpmemphis.org/lemsky-endowment-fund.

By: Eli Lewis

This summer I went on the NFTY Jacobs Camp program in Israel, and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Before I left, I was very hesitant to go on the trip due to concerns of safety and the fact I only knew a few people none of whom I was very close with.  I also wanted to stay home and hang with my friends; however, I am so happy my parents encouraged me to go because I had the time of my life.

When I arrived at Newark airport, I began meeting all the people I would be spending a month with. I was a bit nervous we would not all get along, but I am so glad I was wrong, for immediately when landing in Israel we all started to warm up and get to know each other. The first hostel we stayed was in Jerusalem. I was a bit disappointed because I did not know any of the kids in my room and it appeared all my friends’ got rooms with someone they knew. However, I think being in a room with a smaller group really helps people get to know each other and become friends.

The next day we met the kids who arrived after us and that is when I met my best friend on the trip. After we stayed in Jerusalem, we camped in the desert which I can confidently say was the worst part of the trip and probably of my life, but after suffering with everyone together I think it brought us all closer.

We went to Tel Aviv next, and the place we stayed had animals all over which was really cool. I really enjoyed going out in the city to the markets to eat food. I really liked the free time we got not only because I got to do what I wanted, but it gives you a sense of responsibility and I felt more like an adult getting to go around on our own in small little groups.

My friends and I did the “Taste of the IDF” together. It was interesting experiencing a little of what it is like to be in the Israeli army. It was rough for me and my friends out in the woods, but just hanging out with them and talking was so much fun. It was amazing when we all met up again in Acre. Acre was my favorite part of the trip because the place we stayed was really cool and had lots to do.

Next, we went to Haifa where we were paired with our Israeli friends. I requested to be in a room with one of the Israeli teens which led me to making another great friend. It was hard to say goodbye to the Israelis, but I still talk to them. Overall, the trip was great because I learned so much about the culture of Israel and made lifelong friends.

Thank you to Memphis Jewish Federation’s Lemsky Fund for helping me to make my NFTY Jacobs Camp summer experience possible.

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