Andrew Magdovitz – Helping Build a Better Memphis

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Andrew Magdovitz is pictured with his wife, Marissa, and his two children posing for a family photo on a beach.

“Federation gives a lot of financial support to the Jewish agencies around town, whether that be Memphis Jewish Home & Rehab, synagogues, day schools, and more. It’s nice that one central fundraising component is looking out for the whole Jewish community,” said Andrew Magdovitz, one of the younger donors of Memphis Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

“It gives me a great feeling to know that I’ve helped people,” said Andrew. “I’m appreciative of where I came from and who put me here and who helped me. My greatest examples of giving tzedakah have been my grandparents Barbara and Jerome Magdovitz, of blessed memory; my parents, Brad and Sally Magdovitz; and my in-laws, Larry and Judy Moss. Their example is why giving tzedakah is important to my wife, Marissa, and me. That’s why I’m happy to be of support in any way, helping an organization that helps others.”

Andrew Magdovitz, a 36-year-old second-generation Memphian, has lived most of his life in the city. While growing up, his parents, Brad and Sally, helped instill in Andrew the Jewish values of helping others and being active in his community. As a child, he attended Beth Sholom Synagogue, had his Bar Mitzvah there, and attended their weekly Wednesday minyans. During his free time, he and his friends would often be found hanging out at the Memphis Jewish Community Center.

“The Memphis Jewish community was very supportive of me growing up,” said Andrew. “It’s a tight-knit group and we all come together to make all the different programming here have vibrancy. Compared to other communities, we offer so much more. It’s nice to know that we have options and resources, and overall, it’s great to have a strong Jewish community in Memphis where Jews know they can come and live happily.”

“While I was growing up, from 1993-2003, the MJCC was the place where my friends and I always knew that we could hang out and play basketball, football, or go swimming,” Andrew reminisced. “Some of my fondest memories are from my time spent there with friends.”

During his high school years, Andrew was an active member in Israel H. Peres AZA #71, one of the BBYO chapters in Memphis, serving as its president for a time. He bonded with several of his closest friends through BBYO, and recently attended the wedding of one of his BBYO friends.

“It’s cool stuff to have been involved with, at least for me, because some of these friendships go on to last a lifetime,” said Andrew.

Andrew left Memphis to attend college at Indiana University, majoring in Business Management. He joined the Jewish fraternity, AEPi, and frequently attended the local Chabad. These experiences further strengthened his connection and commitment to remaining active within the Jewish community. Upon returning home to Memphis after college, Andrew continued his studies and received his real estate license.

For the past 10 years, Andrew has worked as a licensed real estate agent and developer with Broad Avenue Realty. He enjoys building houses and taking properties “from grime to shine.” When Andrew is not working, he finds joy in being with his wife, Marissa, and his two young children. He also spends his free time attending Chabad in Memphis, rooting for the Memphis Tigers and Grizzlies, golfing, and fishing.

“I know the importance of tzedakah and giving tzedakah is something to always keep in mind. I like the idea that by lifting up others, I can lift up myself,” said Andrew. “That’s a common theme in what I try to do, and I’ve even brought that into my business model. It is why I focus my rehab and new construction projects in older areas of the city, maybe a location that time forgot – rather than the suburbs or higher-end areas. I enjoy a combination of improving an area while also achieving personal goals. I find it really rewarding to know that I’m involved in doing good things for the city and its residents.”

“I also sponsor a basketball team in Whitehaven, and to me, that is probably one of the most important things that I do,” said Andrew. “Those are kids that, if I don’t pay for their tournament, they can’t play in it.”

Andrew’s kind spirit is truly a marvel and a product of growing up in a vibrant Jewish community. His work and philanthropic mindset are helping make Memphis a better place to live in and enjoy.

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